Activity Sheet:
Pass & Move with Defenders

Activity Description:
  • Six teammates attempt to make consecutive passes without allowing two defenders to intercept the passes.  Players should count the number of successful passes they can make.
  • Defenders may not touch the ball carrier or try to steal the ball away; the role of the defender is simply to prevent the opponent from making a successful pass.
  • If the ball goes out of bounds, restart counting at zero.
  • If defender gains possession, the ball is returned to the attackers and counting is restarted at zero.
Teaching Points:
  • Players will need to move to an open space in order to receive a pass.
  • Players should communicate with each other, letting ball carriers know who and where to pass to.
  • Short, quick passes will be more successful than long, lob passes.
  • Stay low (bend knees), stay on balls of feet, and push off outside foot  in order to change direction quickly. Here's a videoclip demonstration. And here is another demo.
Organization Points:
  • Play within a grid the size of one quarter of the gym.
  • Defenders wear pinnies.
  • Switch defenders after one minute.
  • Vary the number of defenders if the drill is too easy or to difficult.

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